100 Lei 1992 of the year - Romania Minerals Old coins copper, silver, gold Elements 1:25 3 years ago 343 Далее Скачать
1992 Romania & 100 Lei,coin value and price rare . Channel of rare coins and the lost antique 2:37 2 years ago 19 Далее Скачать
1993 Romania & 100 LEI ,coin Value and price rare. Channel of rare coins and the lost antique 0:58 3 years ago 315 Далее Скачать
MOEDA DA ROMÊNIA 🇷🇴 1992 - 100 LEI (MIHAI VITEAZUL) ROMANIAN COIN Jefferson Moedas 1:00 3 years ago 16 928 Далее Скачать
1992-1995 Romania & 100 Lei ,coins values and prices rare. Channel of rare coins and the lost antique 0:34 2 years ago 217 Далее Скачать
20 Lei 1992 of the year - Romania Minerals Old coins copper, silver, gold Elements 1:22 3 years ago 339 Далее Скачать
1994 Romania & Error Coin 100 LEI ,value and price rare. Channel of rare coins and the lost antique 0:58 3 years ago 172 Далее Скачать
SOUTH KORIA 1992 100 WON RARE COIN HISTORY AND VALUE BC COINS WORLD 3:21 7 months ago 2 084 Далее Скачать
România monede vechi 100 lei 1992 romania old coins عملات رومانيا القديمه Zain Coins 0:33 3 years ago 485 Далее Скачать
Romania Rare and expensive varieties of the Brave Prince Wallachia MIHAI VITEAZUL 100 lei coin value NGCoins love 3:27 2 years ago 450 Далее Скачать
92-93-94-95 Romania & 100 LEI , Coins values and prices rare. $$$$$ Channel of rare coins and the lost antique 6:31 2 years ago 68 Далее Скачать